Minerals, Quarrying & Mining

Making the Most of Natural Resources In an Environmentally Sustainable Way

Although most of these activities are usually some distance from the nearest noise sensitive locations, the relatively high noise levels that are produced can have the potential to disturb others. It is important to ensure that whilst ensuring suitable noise levels are achieved, Licences and Permits do not set unnecessarily low criteria that may adversely affect operation or significantly increase the costs of compliance, whilst providing no additional benefit for noise sensitive receptors. This approach is recognised in current Government planning policy and is what we mean by The Highest Suitable Noise Level™, which is the way we have been working for 42 years.

For new developments it is important to ensure that any conditions that are imposed are reasonable. For existing operations it is equally important to ensure that compliance monitoring requirements are appropriate.

There can be considerable scope for cost savings or avoiding unnecessary expenditure, if the best expert acoustic advice is obtained at the correct stages in the project.

Contact Acoustical Control’s experts for help with any Minerals, Quarrying or Mining acoustic problems you have, or simply to pick our brains about acoustics.