Products & Services

Guaranteed Solutions to Your Noise and Vibration Problems

An acoustic solution usually needs to address multiple requirements such as achieving a specific noise level without affecting plant operation.

There are several steps for us to provide Guaranteed Solutions to Your Noise and Vibration Problems:

  • Investigate and understand the problem (is there one and is it what it appears to be?)
  • Identify potential solutions (there are usually several which may involve Acoustic Consultancy, Acoustic Engineering, or a combination of both)
  • Explain the problem and solutions in layman’s terms so that YOU can choose the solution that is best for YOUR specific requirements
  • Provide the best Guaranteed Solution which may be an acoustic report/specification, or specialist engineered acoustic products.

FlexAppeal™ Vibration Isolators, PreVent™ Louvres, SilenZone™ Noise Control

Find the solution you need in one of our three main functional categories:

  1. SilenZone products such as Attenuators, Enclosures, Containers and Screens for high performance noise control solutions.
  2. PreVent products such as Weather Louvres, Acoustic Louvres, Louvred Doors and BirdMesh for high efficiency, low resistance to airflow and for security.
  3. FlexAppeal Vibration Isolators and isolation systems such as FlexiMounts, VertiMounts, FlexiRails and FlexiHangers to effectively control vibration (and look good at the same time).